Director : Remy Marion Authors: Remy Marion et Benjamin Brenier Co-production : Goyaves et PÔLES D’IMAGE summary : In the Arctic, temperatures are rising four times faster than in temperate regions. This acceleration is due to the loss of sea-ice and land-ice surface: the [...]

Directed by: Thomas Boujut et/and Belkacem Bahlouli Written by Thomas Boujut et/and Belkacem Bahlouli Summary : The life of Bruce Springsteen has been told many times, from the angle of the adored rock star, American icon. After a career spanning fifty years, nearly 130 [...]

Directed by: Amine Mestari Written by: Amine Mestari and Thomas Boujut From The Things of Life to César and Rosalie, from Vincent François Paul and the Others to Nelly and Mr. Arnaud, Claude Sautet's cinema is part of our lives. A complex character [...]

2023 DIGITAL MARKETING TRENDS New content strategies: slow content, blogging, micro-influencer -> Targeted online communication, refined to reach your prospects   Ultra specialisation of communication on your preferred social network (stop spreading yourself too thin, you can't afford it anymore) Each network has its [...]

Summary To finance colonization in Indochina, the French State relied for 50 years on a powerful lever: the Opium Public Company ("La Régie de l'Opium"). This film traces back the scandalous history of its monopoly on the manufacture and sale of [...]

1942, Algeria, a French territory, is governed with fascist laws. Facing this, José Aboulker and Colette Pilafort will change the course of history. For one day, within a clever plan, they will block the collaborationist army, and allow the landing [...]

Summary The film tells the history of these often overlooked and misunderstood women of the sea. We will re-enact with actors in natural settings the personal stories of four of the most notable women pirates of the Caribbean: Marie-Anne Dieu-Le-Veut, Mary [...]

Title: GANGS OF PARIS (series in development) Summary: To proclaim himself in the "Court of the Miracles" (the name of the Old Regime criminal class), the leader of a Parisian gang of crooks is forced to challenge himself : to [...]