Film Production Backup

Documentaries – Fictions

Brand Content – Advertising – Training

Our services.

1. The meeting

You have an idea, a desire. Together, we analyze it from all angles to ensure that we don't miss anything, to understand everything and we will take the necessary time. For us, the meeting is essential to build a solid foundation for our future collaboration.

2. The recommendation

Our team translates your brief and makes a strategic and budgetary recommendation. We find the most suitable vehicle to tell your story.

3. The concept

That's it, let's go ! In our agency, creative, technicians and communicators offer you strong concepts that will leave a lasting impression !

4. Production

The choice is made and validated, now our technical and artistic teams are at work. Shooting, editing, post-production... your desire is built.

5. The diffusion

Here we are: your idea is clear and ready to be shown. We support you in your media distribution strategy.